Сloud Builders: charity initiative to take care of the warmth to Ukrainian kids


30 452 грн

ціль 50 000 грн

збір завершено

Про проєкт

Hi there!

We are Сloud Builders ━ European IT Community born in Ukraine and unites 6500+ cloud builders on board!

We run events to delve into various IT technologies.
And here we go: on March 30, we organize Cloud Builders: Java Conf with 12+ top Java & Cloud speakers from leading IT companies all over the world.
This is gonna be huge and we also want to be helpful.

We’re going to support Ukrainian children who live in the front-line territories.
During the cold season they don’t always have heating and need things to stay warm. 

Our charitable goal is to collect 50 000 UAH (1250 EUR) for 24 warmth sets. 

What’s that?

For one child this set contains a sleeping bag, a hat and a hand warmer.

The cost of one set is 2050 UAH (50 EUR).

If you can’t donate money on that page, please use the liqpay on our site: https://eng.dobrodiy.club 

  • hat 250 UAH –  10  EUR
  • hot water bottle in a cover 500 UAH –  13 EUR
  • sleeping bag 1300 UAH – 33 EUR
  • the whole set is 2050 UAH – 51 EUR

Join with any comfortable donation ?

Together we can take care of the kids’ warmth and health. 

P.S. If you have problems with payment by foreign bank cards, try to send your donation to PayPal: paypal@dobrodiy.club

 Let’s build together!

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